Sunday, January 29, 2012


Some days are just better than others. Yesterday wasn't one of those days for me. I attended a fantastic church service however I was sad. Sometimes, I let my moods overtake me. Life can get kind of stressful sometimes and I need to remind myself that it's all going to be ok. I am surrounded by so much love and incredible people who understand me and I forget that. I have a wonderful boyfriend, family, friends and I have love from a Savior who died for my sins... what do I really have to worry about?! Jobs come and go. Money goes as fast as it came. But love is eternal. So, what do I do to cheer myself up? I take silly pictures on Photo Booth. I find it a good outlet to be silly and not be so serious all of the time :)

I have some rockin' bangs in this one :)

Don't get so wrapped up in life and the stress it can bring that you forget to be you and to be silly and have fun! Take a deep breath, relax and know that God has it all under control. 

And this song is a fantastic reminder of God's infinite love for us. Love the David Crowder Band.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blank Canvas

This past weekend I attended a retreat called Winter Camp in Harvey Cedars, New Jersey. I, among friends  have been planning it for months and I have to say, it was a great success. We had about 20 kids there and had an awesome time. The message for the weekend is from Joshua 1-9 and it says... 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Sometimes, it's kind of hard to not be afraid, isn't it? Especially when things don't go your way in life. I've been there... I AM there now. You need to remember that our life is in control and we need to let God take that control. He has this plan for all of us and sometimes it's hard to understand that. 

I'm not going to lie, I get really stressed out sometimes. I'm in this weird transition phase of my life and it's extremely difficult to see past that. I know it'll get better and things will come into place but I find myself getting impatient. 

-Why can't I have a career right now? 
-Why don't I have it all together? 
-When is my life going to actually start?

I need to remember that every day is a journey and every day is leading me somewhere. I don't know what that is yet but I have to learn that it's really not up to me. I'm not going to sit around and just wait for things to start without putting myself out there but I also can't let myself be scared to death of my future. I need to have faith in God and His path for me.

Another great message from this retreat was about having a blank canvas. High School students can go anywhere they want to after they graduate. You can go on to college, work for a few years and go to college or not go to college at all. They usually aren't married, have kids, or responsibilities that can affect their career choices. As liberating of a thought that is, it's also a really scary one as well. 

-What if I don't go to the right college?
-What if I don't get a career right away?
-What if my major can't land me a job?

God is in control of that too. He knows where your heart lies and He knows of your capabilities and talents. It's hard to trust that sometimes. Life can take us on some incredible journeys but we need to be open to them and believe that our God is in charge of it all. 

I'm going to try really hard to not let the every day stress of life control me but rather think of my blank canvas and all of the possibilities that will come my way. I know it's going to be a struggle but I believe it will be an exciting ride as well.

Below is a slide show from the retreat. We all had a great time!!